Saturday, July 24, 2010

Take a hike. Mamavation Monday. Week 3.

So, last week I introduced my wellness plan. As you might imagine, since Cora's death my own health habits have taken a slide. Just don't have the energy. And, don't have the energy to jump full force back on track. So, instead, I'm making one small change a week. And, since I love flair, I came up with this badge.

This week's goal didn't instantly come to me. I had to brainstorm. I knew it had to still be a pretty small change. I'm just not ready for big changes. Just waking up is still a struggle.

I went to Twitter because Twitter pretty is full of the smartest and bestest. I shared my idea, to walk around the block every day and a few people responded they thought it should just be to walk. No limitations and no length requirement. I agreed, so that's this week's plan, to walk every day, rather it be miles or just down the street and back. Little pressure, but to get moving.

The support in the Mamavation community, and from others, is so helpful. I've been trying to keep up and give it back. I think I missed a few comment returns on last week's post and apologize. But, I'm looking forward to reading about how everyone else is doing!

I did well on this week's goal, to take a prenatal vitamin every day (nope, not trying to get pregnant, but I think every woman of child bearing age should take). I took it every day but one, Monday, because I didn't have any on hand. Still doing okay with week one's goal, drink water. Still need to improve, but am better than when I started all this.

So to recap the changes so far:
Week 1: drink more water
Week 2: take a prenatal vitamin
Week 3: walk each day


  1. I love the recap for each week of what your make one change goal was. Very cool.

    One little step at a time. You're doing what you can and you're aware that you can't do a lot. I admire the fight you have Kristine. Kind of like learning to walk again, isn't it? Not that I know what that is like either.

    : )

  2. keep it up with the prenatal. my mfm told me to keep taking it, it reduces risk of CHD's if you're taking it with a good amt of folic acid for 2 months before TTC

  3. Love what you are doing! Its great that you are working on getting yourself well. Getting well has taken a long time for me, I spent my time focusing on everyone else. Now I'm working on getting well and I have found myself dealing with little bits of unresolved pain from Nathaniel's death. All we can do is keep moving forward. You're doing great! Keep up the good work!

  4. I'm relatively new to the Mamavation Journey too and I look forward to getting healthier with you. I need to make a goal for exercise each day as well - I've been slacking this past week. The small changes are the best, I think.
    I'm following your blogs now too, by the way. :)

    - Shay (mrsaddison on Twitter)

  5. This is super awesome! Love that you're taking time to make you a priority. Don't know if you're open to suggestions but you might consider yoga. I am not referring to the crazy athletic, super flexible yoga, but just the yoga way of breathing. Learning yoga breathing has really helped me better cope with stress and anxiety, plus it's supposed to have good physiological benefits. Keep posting away. I always enjoy your insights and willingness to share.

  6. Thanks all!

    Michelle- Yep, that's why I take even though not TTC. Cora wasn't planned plus having that folic acid built up is good!

    Anon- Thanks. I do love yoga actually!

  7. I love this week's goal! For people who never exercised before (like me), it's great to just get up and get moving without restrictions or requirements. Keep up the good work - fresh air will do wonders for you!

  8. Hey Kristine! Goals are a great way to start and I love yours! Water, vitamins and walking - what a great start! Movement, no matter what it is, is very very therapeutic - great job on taking your steps. All of us mamavation ladies are here for you!

  9. First of all, sorry for your loss.

    Second, I always say small steps lead to big changes, so, yeah, you're doing it right. Focus on making day to day changes.

    Good luck meeting your goals this week.

  10. You are doing great girlie. Get up and move every day this week. It is better to do it now than in the crazy winter when you are not used to it.

  11. Love the flair. And love the goal. Do you read A Deliberate Life? That was Chris's first goal (100 pounds ago). Just to walk. Get up every day and walk.

    I think it's profound.

  12. I think it's a FAB goal! These small steps are going to open you to to huge possibilities! :)

    Hugs mama! You're doing wonderfully, even though you don't realize it!

  13. Thank you for the reminder to take a vitamin this morning! I totally had forgotten. I think your small steps are fantastic.

  14. Way to go on setting up goals and keeping them! I find that it us easier when I take a goal and make sure I do it then trying to work out and lose weight without them! Your good great!

  15. Great job on your weekly goals! I also think that a weekly goal can be a bit much some time. I think next week should be a "maintain week" where you focus on the three goals you've been implementing and maybe even take them up a notch (an extra glass of water each day, etc).

    You're doing wonderfully! xoxo

  16. baby steps is what makes the process of healthier living easier. If you set yourself up with too much, you probably will get overwhelmed quicker and fail. I love your new baby steps and I look forward to see how you succeed at those next week!

  17. I love that you're trying to do things one thing at a time. It's best not to overwhelm yourself. I know you'll do great because you're attitude is always so great.

  18. LOVE that badge. We need to make that into a T-shirt. Seriously!

  19. You do have wonderful enthusiasm! I love the badge, I agree with Roxy you should make it into a t-shirt!

  20. I think your 'small' goals are get big goals to kick start YOU! :hugs: Welcome to Mamavation ... and I look forward to following your journey and being here to support you all the way!!

  21. I love your goals. They are small and totally reachable. I tend to set big ones and they are never met. You're doing great and I look forward to reading more!

  22. way to start!!! totally attainable goals... you can do this!

  23. One a week is good. I actually recommend two small changes every two weeks and then go from there, but it's the same idea. Just don't overwhelm yourself is the idea. XXOO

  24. I love your commitment to just walking around the block. I always try to set a time or distance limit on everything, but it makes it too stressful. I think you are doing a great thing and I will try this out too!

  25. Awesome goals! Great job for planning and adding something each week!


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