But, this has meant you've seen a lot of me. In fact, I'm sure some of you are quite sick of me. Highlights from this week, I wrote a guest post about congenital heart defects on pregnancy.org, on the new group blog Band Back Together, I wrote about what Twitter, blogging and Facebook meant to me after Cora died, and Growing Your Baby wrote a post asking why pulse oximetry screening isn't routinely done.
I've been writing nonstop about pulse oximetry screening this week trying to make sure accurate information is getting out there.
I started a 365 Project I'm excited to see how it turns out.
So, I've been a productive sick. Even though I've been sleeping most of the day and most of the rest of the time is spent doubled over in pain.
Since I've been feeling yucky, I've barely left the house. Yesterday morning, I decided a trip out was so needed. The sunken gardens at Garfield Park are less than a half mile from me and oh so pretty. So after a few minutes I felt like walking death, it was still nice to go and get out of the house.
I took pictures as you can see, this garden is just gorgeous. And, remembered the theme for You Capture on I Should Be Folding Laundry, signs. Decided to link up after looking through my pictures.
Of course this is a sign...
But, so is this... a sign of fall...
But, this is another sign, that summer is still here...